Our Impact
The IPRESTIGESM Emerge Fund is a proprietary first-mover advantage technology incubation accelerator that concentrates on growth opportunities in emerging deep technology markets to mitigate the exploitation of data privacy and data rights breaches.
Our singular focus is to significantly contribute to the thinking, design and implementation of next generation security-based technology platforms that yield positive ecosystem behavioral impact across the globe.
Data Security Vision
There is little separation between your physical and digital identity (online) today. At the heart of this digital portrait is data. The importance of data cannot be overstated. Your data. Your company’s data. It has been recently said that “the world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.”
One of the most growing threats to data rights is data privacy intrusion or data rights (original producer) erosion. Many tech giants have been deriving vast revenues from unwitting users. To combat this epidemic, we believe it starts with having a compelling “Data Security Vision” that provides a clear road map on how to develop a first-of-its-kind data security ecosystem for innovation and funding for protecting our most precious asset. Your data.

Our Approach
Deep technologies are attracting an unprecedented amount of interest and activity. According to one of the Big Four firms, the aggregate global private investment in key deep tech categories soared by more than 20% a year from 2015 through 2018 to reach almost $18 billion.
The IPRESTIGESM Emerge Fund is designed for those interested parties who are looking for growth opportunities in the emerging Deep Tech markets. It is our view that this area will demonstrate an impact on a wide variety of the United Nations’ sustainable development goals (SDGs), as well as generate enormous economic value for investors.
Key active and promising technologies that the Fund concentrates on:

The IPRESTIGESM Emerge Fund investment recipients are those deep technology companies that use advanced digital identity verification (authentication), encryption and healthy AI mechanisms to power system designs / platforms to yield positive ecosystem behavioral impact across the globe. Through our collective efforts, we proactively mitigate the exploitation of data privacy and data rights breaches.
This material is being provided for informational purposes and is not to be considered an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any interest in any investments referred to herein.